
Higher School of Economics (HSE)-Kyung Hee University (KHU) dual degree program: “Economics and Politics in Asia”
HSE-KHU dual degree program offers top Russian students a unique opportunity to pursue two bachelor's (BA) degrees, one Russian from HSE and one Korean from KHU. The academic program is supported by the School of World Economy and International Relations at HSE and the College of International Studies at KHU. The program centers on East Asian studies including politics, economics, foreign policy, society, and culture as well as language training of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Students are given four academic years to complete the dual BA degree program. Generally, they spend three years (the first two years & the last year) in HSE and have a one-year opportunity (the third year) to study abroad in Korea, during which students can pursue a concentration either in International Relations or Global Business at the College of International Studies. The Chinese and Japanese major students have the opportunity to enroll in language programs offered by the partner universities for the second semester, Fudan University and Waseda University respectively. More detailed information about the program is available at www.hse.ru/en/ba/epa.